
Reasons to Celebrate in March

  1. Peanut Butter Lovers Day
  2. Old Stuff Day
  3. I want you to be happy day
  4. Hug a GI Day (and give him cupcakes)
  5. Multiple Personality Day (grab a cupcake for each of you)
  6. Dentist's Day
  7. .
  8. Interntaional Working Women's Day
  9. Panic Day (don't panic, have a cupcake)
  10. .
  11. Johnny Appleseed Day
  12. Girl Scouts Day
  13. Jewel Day
  14. National Pi Day (3.14)
  15. Incredible Kid Day
  16. Everything you do is right day
  17. Saint Patrick's Day
  18. Goddess of Fertility Day
  19. National Quilting Day
  20. Proposal Day
  21. Fragrance Day (cake is fragrant)
  22. National Good Off Day
  23. National Chip and Dip Day
  24. National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
  25. Pecan Day
  26. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day :)
  27. .
  28. Something on a Stick Day (Cookies on a Stick)
  29. Smoke and Mirrors Day
  30. Take a Walk in the Park Day
  31. .